Home Useful tutorials How to delete a YouTube playlist? Step by Step Guide

How to delete a YouTube playlist? Step by Step Guide

How to delete a YouTube playlist? Step by Step Guide

YouTube is one of the most visited sites on the internet. YouTube is the most popular site in the world. visitors a dayYou can estimate how much time people spend watching YouTube videos.

You can create playlists on YouTube to share with your friends or watch them later. This article will show you a few easy steps to delete a YouTube playlist.

It could be that you want to delete the playlists, either because they no longer fit your channel, you’ve finished watching them or just to clean up. It can be a daunting task to begin with, but it isn’t difficult once you get the hang of it.

How to delete YouTube playlists from your computer

You can delete YouTube lists on your computer as well as on your mobile phone. What’s most convenient to you is up to your discretion. You can choose which method you want to use.

Here are the steps you can take to remove a playlist on your computer.

Step 1

Click here to go to YouTube To access their homepage, log in to your account. The profile picture is located in the upper left-hand corner.


Click the image and select “switch accounts” to add your profile or choose from the list of available names.

Step 2

You need to navigate to the library. You will see a library icon with a folder next to it on the left hand side of your screen if the menu is minimized.

If you are using the main menu, the options will be more extensive, but the page for the library will still be near the top. Select “Library”, whichever way you choose, to reach the page.


Step 3

Scroll down the page until you find your playlists. When you have found the playlist that you wish to delete, you can click on the “View full playlist” button located at the bottom.


Step 4

After you arrive, your screen should look like the image below. Click the three dots at the bottom of the screen to bring up a drop down menu. The menu has an option to delete the play list under the playlist settings. It will be pressed.

A popup window will appear asking you if want to delete your playlist. Simply select “Yes”, and the playlist will be deleted.


How to delete YouTube Playlists on Your Mobile

On your iPhone or Android, deleting a YouTube Playlist is much easier than it is on a PC. Here are the steps to take.

Step 1

Find and open the YouTube application on your smartphone. Check your profile in the upper-right corner, just like on a computer.


Step 2

The tab library is located in the lower right corner. Click on this tab and scroll a bit down. You will reach a playlists section. Select the playlist that you want to delete under the Playlists Tab.


Step 3

When you arrive at the specific playlist, you will see the videos as well as the editing screen. You can delete the playlist by pressing the trashcan-shaped icon that is near the top. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you really want to delete your playlist.


If you click OK, the message will be removed.


Remove another creator’s playlist from your Library

This step-by-step guide will show you how to remove a YouTube playlist. YouTube gives you the ability to save other creators playlists in your library. These will also be stored within this playlist library.

Let us show you the steps to remove these playlists.

Step 1

Click on your YouTube library page. If you go to your library page, you will see playlists created by others.

Step 2

The “View Full Playlist” button will appear at the bottom. This screen is very similar to what we saw before, with only one difference.


The playlist cannot be deleted via the drop-down menu. You can’t remove it because it isn’t your playlist. It can only be removed from your library.

Step 3

When you hover your cursor on the symbol, it will read “removed from library”. This will remove the playlist from your library when you click this option.


You can do this to clean up your playlists once you’ve finished watching them or if you don’t want to finish them. Here are some simple steps to delete a YouTube playlist.

Wrapping up

These playlists are one of the best features on YouTube. These playlists can be used to showcase your work or simply for fun. favorite videos to people checking out your channel Or, they can be used to help you track down videos that you would like to have more access to later.

You’ll want to delete these playlists at some point. The good news is you now know how to do this.

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